AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent graduates of instutations of higher education.

Its members are interested in world issues, leadership and management.

AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion, national, ethnic or social origin.

Why Join AIESEC?

38,000 Members
107 Countries
4,200 Partners
8,300 Leadership Positions
7,500 International Internships
1700 Universities
470 Conferences
800,000 Alumni
6 Growth Networks

There are various reasons to join AIESEC.

First, you will gain practical experience while studying. Even though this may be challenging it will make you a stronger person.

Mainly, AIESEC gives you the opportunity to gain practical experience during your studies by leading a project, getting in touch with various companies.

The AIESEC experience is one of the best ways to gain a compatitive edge for any job you may apply for in the future.

In addition, AIESEC offers you the following advantages:

Leadership Experience

As a member of AIESEC, you have the possibility to lead various teams, develop plans, make crucial decisions, give presentations, and transform your ideas into reality. You will have the opportunity to create real change and work with your own team.

Work Abroad

AIESEC realizes 4000 exchanges in 107 countries per year. As a member of AIESEC, you can take part in this exciting process! With an internship abroad, you will become familiar with foreign cultures, gain practical experiences and develop professionally as well as personally.


Due to close contact between companies and students and also the opportunity to visit international conferences, you will be able to create your personal network. Many companies view AIESEC as a professionally run organization with highly qualified students. AIESEC's illustrious reputation will be invaluable for your job search.

Teamwork & Softskills

In AIESEC, you will have the chance to join a team. The areas of responsibilities vary from management, to finance and marketing or human resources. Further possibilities for personal development and learning are provided through diverse workshops.

Global Diversity

AIESEC provides you with an international experience. In addition to the internships, you also get the interact with AIESECers from all over the world. AIESEC members learn to adapt to different circumstances, to work effectively in multicultural environments and gain a global perspective.


Most AIESEC members develop plenty of confidence because they learn how to cope with a multitude of various situations and challenges. They set ambitious goals and gain and idea of their future career. AIESEC supports individual expectation and goal setting as well as self-coinfidence and self-critisim.

Click here to learn more about AIESEC



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